General Information

BSE Scrip Code*519415
Name of the Company*KMG MILK FOOD LIMITED
Type of announcement*New
Remarks (website dissemination)
Remarks for exchange (not for website dissemination)
Date of Report31-08-2024

Notice of Shareholders Meeting

Event*Annual General Meeting
If others, please specify
Mode of meetingPhysical Meeting and Video Conference (VC) or Other Audio-Visual Means (OAVM)
Number of Shareholders Meeting*32ND AGM
Details of shareholders meeting
Meeting Commencement Time*13
End date of Postal Ballot Voting
Number of agenda/business to be transacted*4
Details of Resolution/Agenda
Any other information
Remarks (website dissemination)
Remarks for exchange (not for website dissemination)

Details of Resolution/Agenda

Sr.Type of ResolutionHeading of Resolution/AgendaBrief Details of resolution
1Ordinary ResolutionAdoption of Financial StatementsTo receive, consider and adopt the Audited Financial Statements of the Company for the financial year ended March 31st, 2024 and the reports of the Board of Directors and Auditors thereon.
2Ordinary ResolutionAppointment/ Re-appointment of DirectorTo appoint a director in place of Mrs. Mithlesh Garg (DIN: 00185942), who retires by rotation and being eligible, offers herself for re-appointment
3Ordinary ResolutionCessation of DirectorshipTo approve retirement of additional director, Mr. Vinod Poudyal (DIN: 08753902)
4Ordinary ResolutionRatification of Appointment of Statutory AuditorsTo consider the Re-appointment of Statutory Auditors of the Company: GAURI GOYAL & ASSOCIATES